Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm using a school computer to post this while I should be working.

01:11:13 PM


Anonymous said...

you rebel you

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that this site is blocked at Enloe. No?

Anonymous said...

Is it blocked? Hm, I could make a workaround... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, no, not yet.

I think we need to be in the Eagle's Eye before that happens. Because if you think about it, the newspaper had an article about RateMyTeachers and that got banned. Earlier this year the same thing with Facebook.

But the thing is, do we really want tangst to be banned from Enloe computers? Or do we all love secretly relishing in our unproductive habit of checking this site instead of working? (Especially in Enviro...)

Anonymous said...

If a site is really banned after it is written about in the Eagle's Eye, then that implies that faculty reads the paper.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily. A site being written about in the paper and then being banned doesn't really mean anything. One doesn't have to cause the other. Both could just be the result of the site being too popular amongst students.

Anonymous said...

while you're at it- change the background to something silly to amuse the next to come.

Anonymous said...

you're pretty scandalous

Anonymous said...

Well I for one am thankful that Tangst isn't blocked because Enviro research would just not be the same without it.

We could test our theory of the Eagle's Eye leading to blocked sites if we wanted to. I think that it would be hilarious if we made up a fake blog and a fake article about that blog and see if the fake blog was promptly blocked.

Anonymous said...

Or we could get Tangst reported on, and create a Tangst mirror/proxy on the off chance it gets blocked at the main url. Besides, a secondary url to remember for posting/reading at school wouldn't be too much of a burden, I don't think.

Oh plus, hopping a few steps of the IT folks could be interesting.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Definitely not blocked in the East computer lab. That's where I was today.