Wednesday, January 11, 2006

i love him. i can make him laugh, i listen to him when he has to talk, we share the same opinions&sense of humor, we have so much fun together.

so why am i just "the friend" and she is the one he has a crush on?

11:58:22 AM


Anonymous said...

cause you're that friend he can always fall back on. You probably mean more to him than any high school relationship he'll ever have.

He doesn't want to fuck that one up, whether on a conscious level or on an unconscious one.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I have the exact same problem. and the girl he likes is someone i can't stand, how utterly wonderful.

Anonymous said...

heyy, thanks anonymous1, i never really thought of it that way...

and anonymous2...yea in my situation she's a TOTAL ditz but she's such a flirt (and pretty...) he somehow fell for her.

sigh. oh well. i love this site, i feel so much better =).

Anonymous said...

this is anonymous 2 again...and the girl i'm talking about is like that too. maybe we're talking about the same guy, who knows

Anonymous said...

In fact, maybe you two are the same GIRL!
wait... scratch that. probably not.

Anonymous said...

maybe so but i don't think there are a LOT (WAY too many) girls like that out there. so probably not.

anyway, we might not even live in the same state. i am from boulder (in colorado) and i think this blog is based somewhere far away from here. i found it purely by luck =).

ohhh anonymous3...haha what is there to say...=)

Anonymous said...

haha I love how there are so many people from colorado here.

Anonymous said...

i think most of us coloradans are here because a friend of ours (from colorado) started a blog for this same purpose and provided a link to Tangst. pretty awesome.

Anonymous said...

probably the reason several of us nc-er's visit and post on the CO site.

Anonymous said...'s like one big happy cross-continental family!
