Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Share A Secret

If you'd like to have a post published, write it as a comment to this post, and we'll publish it to the site. This will be the first post each time you visit the site; all new submissions are posted below it. Submissions can also be emailed to my.tangst@gmail.com.

Post anything that you want in comments, and post it anonymously. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like. And then share the site with your friends.

Site disclaimers, legal notices, terms of service, policies, etc. are now located here. Please note that by posting and/or commenting, you automatically agree to all of them.

If you want, you can stick this link code in your profile.
<a href="http://tangst.blogspot.com/">I'm feeling tangsty.</a>

Please refrain from commenting on posts until they're put on the main page.