Wednesday, January 25, 2006

So, I often make up fake worlds using real people inside my head. I wonder how freaked out some of them would be, or if they ever do it to me.

09:30:12 PM


Anonymous said...

Um... since I know who "Cajune" is... I'm really creeped out by this. A lot.

TintedFragipan said...

I do that. I pretend people I know are having conversations. I think everyone does this?

Anonymous said...

No, I'm sorry. Can't say I've ever included you in my daytime sex fantasies. Or romance scenarios, for that matter. No offense, but I'm not into penises.

TintedFragipan said...

No offense, but I'm not into penises.

I think we've already discussed (on the intelligent design post) how the plural of PENIS is PENES. Just like the plural of CRISIS is CRISES (this really amuses me, sorry).

Also, I don't think me and the original poster were talking about sex fantasies?

Anonymous said...

I do that too, imagine what would happen if two people who I know who don't know each other were to meet and have a conversation. It's a harmless way to pass the time... so long as both imaginary parties keep their clothes on...

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand you OP

Anonymous said...

It's just imagination. Has anyone ever thought themselves into really dangerous, awkward, or annoying situations just to see how you would think your way out of them?

Anonymous said...

Sure, it's a way of testing our limits. Hopefully you decide by the end of that sick, uncomfortable fantasy that you don't actually want to involve yourself with such a scenario. Like curshing a puppy's head with your bare foot.

Dr.A said...

Imagine you were on a sinking ship.
Pirates are moving in on all sides, and you have no place to go. You're about to be brutalized and tortured, and eventually killed. Sharks are circling your boat so there's no way to escape overboard. What's the first thing you should do?

Stop imagining.

Imagination doesn't hurt anyone.