Friday, January 27, 2006

Wow, it's 11:34pm and there are no new Tangst posts. I feel like we collectively failed.

11:35:12 PM


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I must say that I was disappointed with the lack of new posts. I guess some people actually have lives.

Anonymous said...

You have not failed.

Anonymous said...

^I think I'll hire someone to follow me around and tell me that from time to time.

Anonymous said...

I quite often just go cruising around, looking at random blogs (that is how I personally
found Tangst). I am sure many other people do the same when they're looking for something new or just bored. So with that in mind, my point is this:

I think it would be a good idea if you removed the date -"Sunday, December 31, 2006" from the top of the page.

Firstly, that date hasn't actually arrived yet and it might make people think that whoever created the site is a bit thoughtless and doesn't pay attention; not a good first impression.

Also, if I come across a blog that doesn't look like it's been updated for a while (the date at the top might be taken to mean - Sunday, December 31, 2005), I often think it's just been abandoned and I don't bother to read it any further (unless something REALLY catches my attention). I then just click on to the next random blog.

Am I making sense? I hope so because I am a big fan of what you are doing here.

My point is, if you want some new contributers, consider what people 'just drifting though' are going to think when they first arrive here.

Either simply get rid of that date or replace it with todays date,
every day.

It's just an idea but I think it might help.

Thinking further ahead, you might want to broaden the whole concept.
For instance, I'm not a teenager but I know most of the topics here would be of interest to people of all ages..

Everything evolves after all.

Just some thoughts for you anyway.
I for one would be sad to see this end.

Anonymous said...

The date at the top keeps the post at the top. It's the first one that we want people to read when they come here. I don't think there's any other way to make it 'sticky' so for now, having a date far away from now works the best.

And most of the posters here go to the same school. Or somehow know someone that knows someone... You get how it goes.

Not that you don't have good intentions! Just, from finding Tangst randomly, it's a little hard to understand it all.

Anonymous said...

So you like it to be insular then?

How very liberal..


PChis said...

apparently we've had viewers from texas, canada, australia, and various other foreign lands according to box box.

So come on in everyday, read the new posts, and post some of your own. You'll quickly become part of the family...the family that no one knows how big it is.

Dr.A said...

I when people say things like this post. It's like when you're in a conversation (mostly it happens online) and the other person is like "Wow... silence."
Is it really necessary?

Anonymous said...

"Thinking further ahead, you might want to broaden the whole concept.
For instance, I'm not a teenager but I know most of the topics here would be of interest to people of all ages."

Frankly, this scares me a little. I was hoping to leave most of this behind when I left adolescence.

PChis said...

"Is it really necessary?"

It's like the awkward turtle, it makes you laugh and strike up new conversation.

have I not taught you the awkward turtle???

Anonymous said...

"Frankly, this scares me a little. I was hoping to leave most of this behind when I left adolescence."

So does this mean you failed?
That's how it reads.

Anonymous said...

Um, I think the poster meant that they're a teenager and was hoping that all of this stuff would be gone when they're an adult.

I know that's how I read it as...

P.S. I love the awkward turtle. PChis is my hero.