Saturday, January 21, 2006

Alright guys, so here's some weird thing I've noticed.

It seems that almost every girl I know had some sort of good/best friend before middle school, but during middle school they both had a fight or developed irreconcilliable differences and had a falling out and no longer talk to each other.

Maybe it's just confirmation bias, but is this true for most of you?


TintedFragipan said...

Yes, from my experience, that is true for most girls in middle school.

It's like best friends fall out of vogue, and groups of friends are IN. haha.

sithgirl said...

I still have a best friend. She's awesome.

Anonymous said...

i still have one of those best friends, but i also have one that i was inseperable with in elementary school... and now we haven't talked in five years
atleast we're friends on facebook...

Anonymous said...

Yep. It wasn't a fight that broke us up, we just kind of...grew apart and now we hate eachother?

TintedFragipan said...

"at least we're friends on facebook..."


Anonymous said...

I sort of fall into that category also.
"Facebook friends".

The Watcher said...

In middle school, I united a pack of the wierdos and became sort of a champion for the strange ones, but I never became close friends with any of them.

I have two friends that I knew since fouth grade that I am very close to, and there has been no fallout yet. One of them is the second adminstrator on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Awww...Watcher...I thought you were one of my close friends; but I guess I am not one of can't beleive I'm crying. I had 2 really close friends but the fallout with one was in elementry school. The other still my best friend.

Anonymous said...

And you the hell said you united us anyway? We're not a pack of dogs that you can choose from; we didn't become friends because we were lonley strays and saw a beacon of light. You didn't meet us individually and bring us together. And you are our champion??? Oh, I understand...a self appointed champion that never did anything. It all makes sense now. Thanks for calling us weirdos by the way, you're such a good friend to be mean about your "so-called-friends".

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Definitely had that falling out. I don't regret it, and strangely yes...I haven't had a friend that close since then. And it's not like I'm even a particularly distrustful person. I just haven't really put the same energy into friendships that I did in the sixth grade.

Anonymous said...

i've never had a falling out with one of my close friends. Usually when I become good friends with someone we stay that way, or become distant, but we never end up disliking each other, we just stop talking.