Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I lie a lot. It’s like an addiction. I can't stop. I lie about everything - for attention, to cover my flaws... to stay out of trouble, to get out of situations, because I'm lazy... it’s a real problem. I wish there was a rehab center or something... because I am losing the truth in the lies, losing my self... lying without hesitation... its bad... very bad...I need serious help.

07:00:15 PM


TintedFragipan said...

The user 616 said...

If you really need to, if it puts your mind at ease & it doesn't hurt (or potentially hurt) anyone else, then do it - be creative, make something up, LIE!

(After all, you don't need MY permission, you do it anyway)

at 07:03:22 PM

(Note to 616, please don't post comments on the main post, wait until the secret you wish to comment on has been moved to the main page)

TintedFragipan said...

I lie from time to time, but when you start doing it a lot it's easy to get tangled up in what you said and it makes your life miserable.

The thing you have to realize about lying is that you're taking power you don't have: aka, you think you can change what really happened to what you would have liked to happen.

That's never a good idea.

龙年 said...

Lying is like playing God with reality. It never turns out good.

The people who can really get away with it are educators, textbook editors and historians. They pick the facts, they shape our knowledge. They "create" the history we know and cherish.

Lies are our individual ways of playing with reality, trying to convince others, and sometimes ourselves, of a false sense of the past or present.

When you play God, you create your own world, your own timeline. Some believe God is omniscient, and therefore can handle these things. The minds of kids (yeah, we're still kids, most of us) are not equipped to multitask and handle the strain of multiple simultaneous realities.

Its better to refrain from the practice than to try to pick up the pieces later, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

I had this same problem big time in elementary school. I'd lie to look impressive, I'd lie to get out of trouble, I'd do it in almost any situation without reserve becasue I didn't know any other way to keep people interested. More important than the truth was to keep me number one.

The worst lie I ever told back then was saying horrible things about my older brother to his friends (which of course never happened) so they'd stop talking to him and maybe talk to me. I ended up completely alienating him and probably screwing him up for years. I've never regretted anything more in my entire life. He never knew it was me, but from then on I understood that lying is equivalent to drug use. A little bit never hurt anybody, but it's addictive and can ruin your life and the lives of those around you.

Don't follow in those footsteps. Stop while you still can, before you say somehting you regret that you can never take back.

"The use of speech was to make us understand one another, and to receive information of facts; now if anyone said the thing which was not, these ends were defeated."

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem, and I'm seeing a shrink and everything to try and stop, its so fucking addictive, all I can say is good luck.