Saturday, January 28, 2006

This is the weirdest feeling ever.

It's like when I run 7 miles, and once I stop I feel like I can run 80 more miles, but if I try it instantly becomes hard...

except it's with thinking. I'm just staring at things randomly.

Thanks SATs.


Anonymous said...

Endorphins rule I must say.

If anyone is interested that's how acupuncture works. The skin is pierced just enough to alert the brain but not hurt or cause any real damage. The brain gets pumped full of endorphins becasue of this causing a cascade effect to reduce pain and speed healing. Mind over matter, literally.

PChis said...

except isn't the mind made of matter, and aren't the hormones a matter that is saving the matter.

Anonymous said...

You have to admit there is some sort of dualism in the human experience. When your thoughts and motivations alter the physical realities of your body that's mind over matter.

I guess it's different in your case though because you're comparing your brain to an overworked muscle. I'm not sure -how- a psychobiologist (or whatever) would explain that one.

PChis said...

a neuroscientist perhaps?

Anonymous said...

that's the one :)

Anonymous said...

crew doesn't run 7 miles ! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah I feel like that all the time after doing 3000 pushups and then fighting off a dozen ninjas with a spork, but it's no big deal I guess.

PChis said...

Okay guys, the 7 mile thing was kind of an arbitrary number, it wasn't meant to be impressive or anything.

But I can do it, so suck it ;p