Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I've developed a random and intense crush on one of my good guy friends. We've known each other for years.
So now what?

04:18:26 PM


Anonymous said...

I'm going through a similar thing. It sucks. I also have no idea as to what will happen.

Anonymous said...

go for it.
ask him out.
better to burn out than to fade away.

Anonymous said...

you really think so? Even though we're really good friends?
I guess I'm just afraid of things being weird.

Anonymous said...

anonymous two said...

sometimes it becomes weird, but i think that a really good friendship could last through weirdness if the relationship doesn't work, and if the relationship does work it would be more fulfilling for you both than just friends.

Anonymous said...

ask him out or something, chances are he'll say yes and if not.. oh well nothing lost

Anonymous said...

same. exact. situation.

idk what to do tho, maybe ask him to something like a dance (where lots of people get asked and it's not like "i like you please go out with me!"). thanks for the support guys.

Dr.A said...

I think that's a good first start.
But you might want to suggest that you're not just asking him for friends sake in like a casual way. Then if he FLIPS you can retract casually but if he's interested you can pursue.
I think that's what I would do.

Anonymous said...

I disagree w/ the "better to burn out" poster.

How much do you value the friendship? If it's more than you value the possibility of a romantic relationship, then just let it pass. Crushes tend to just takes awhile.