Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Sometimes I get hit on by gay guys. Honestly, I'd give the guy on guy thing a try if it wasn't for the whole... another guy's penis thing. Bareback Mount... I mean BROKEBACK Mountain anyone? (Yeah, you'll know who I am if we've discussed this... figured I'd give Tangst a go on it).

10:18:49 PM


TintedFragipan said...

Sorry if it's been me hitting on you. Has it been? Probably without meaning to.

Mmm, brokeback mountain. MMmmmMmm, bareback mountain. If you get my drift. I think other people must be in a hormonal mood tonight to, judging on the way the posts are going.

Anonymous said...

I'm in the same boat as far as flirting and even (dare I say!?) attempted conversions by gay guys. It's happened mulitple times, and I seriously can't think of a more awkward situation. Well, that's Enloe for ya.

I add a preemptory "Not that there's anything wrong with that." to this and all following posts.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I know exactly who this is.
And I like you straight.

TintedFragipan said...

Not conversions. More like "How about just having sex with me"

I don't really call what I do "flirting" though. That carries too feminine a tone.

Dr.A said...

Hm... I don't really get a feminine tone from flirting. Maybe it's because I do it with girls?

PChis said...

probably sir.

Dr.A said...

thanks for your support, pchis.

(and now time for a random, private tangent on a public post)
i realized i couldn't go at all because i'm visiting a college.
but, my mommy said that if there was a parent to hold our collective hand i could have gone.
and slutface's dad said that he could chaperone.
so if theres a parent there i can go next time.
if theres a next time

Anonymous said...

man, you're so discreet. (no, you're not.)