Hello from the wilds of Colorado!
I just wanted to know, what do you guys (Enloe types) think of Colorado? We have our own set of stereotypes about East-Coast people, so what do you think of the West Coast in general?
The Watcher
02:22:10 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
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first of all, we are not the "east coast"
we are the South.
There's west, mid-west, southwest, northeast, and south(which is the southeast, southwest is texas and such).
I don't know if anyone has any stereotypes about you "westerners"...anyone?
westerners implies...cowboys? Haha.
Stereotypes are pointless. I have no idea what I think about people who live in Colorado, I've never been to Colorado.
Though my best friends did live there once...but I know them; doesn't count.
Nearly everyone in Colorado lives near Denver. I know that the architect of the Denver airport designed a new terminal here at RDU to replace Terminal C. You guys are a red state that is pretty close to turning blue one day. You're different than the west coast. You're the Rockies. You aren't California for sure.
Well, when there -is- snow on the ground Colorado is gorgeous, in a get-trapped-in-a-snow-flurry-and-die sort of way. When there isn't snow it's flat and brown and dissappointing. I'll trade snow for humidity any day.
See, this is where we get all mixed up, Pchis (Peter?). We think of any state north of SC on the atlantic as east-coast.
The only reason I asked was because my dear friend from NY was (until I put her right) convinced that it snows year-round east of the missippi, and that once you pass Iowa, the wild lands are all populated by cowboys.
As I kid, I was so ashamed when I figured out we lived in the south.
Damn. That should have read:
"so what do you think of the West in general and Colorado in particular?" Sorry for the lack of proof-reading skills.
It's so sad that the state that gave the most troops to the confederacy in the civil war is now being counted as part of the north.
Just cause Raleigh and Chapel Hill are populated by liberals doesn't mean that if you go 30 miles in any direction they talk like my dad raised me not to talk.
We vote republican, we don't let gays have sex, why are we the north?
I think Colorado, I think Southpark. So I guess I figure that everybody is either a foul-mouthed nine year old, or a brain-dead adult.
umm boulder is gorgeous. NOT flat and brown.
Um, just to amend something that pchis said, yes, NC did give the most troops to the Confederate army. We also had the greatest number of Confederate deserters. So... draw your own conclusions.
As for Colorado? Hah, according to stereotype, you guys are all crazy survivalists with shotguns and solar-powered houses, stockpiling gold bullion in preparation for the day when the economy collapses and the world falls into chaos.
haha damn and the real truth comes out.
touche anonymous, touche.
Mmmm yes. Plus the whole "we didn't join till we were surrounded by seceeded states" thing sort of negates the southron/confederacy-ness in my eyes. And that's not a typo.
"As for Colorado? Hah, according to stereotype, you guys are all crazy survivalists with shotguns and solar-powered houses, stockpiling gold bullion in preparation for the day when the economy collapses and the world falls into chaos."
Whoa, how did you find out about the secret plans?? ;-) Oh, and about colorado being flat & brown, check out this picture: http://www.crossroadsreloboulder.com/boulder-images/boulder1.jpg.
I did never say that North Carolina was actually part of the north, only that it was on the coast. Which it is, unless my geography skills have gone way down.
"We vote republican, we don't let gays have sex, why are we the north?"
Try and stop us, coppers.
Hey I am also from Colorado Most of CO is really republican like if you are a liberal and you go to Colorado Springs they will kill you (just kidding...kind of) but Boulder is a bunch of lovin hippies who are stoned pretty much all of the time Rock On and by the way CO is not brown and flat there are the Rockies I mean come on. I could go for a good ocean though...
Hm... Yeah okay well almost everything's been said already.
I remember parts of Colorado being really beautiful, but maybe they look flat and brown now (or were always flat and brown and I was just a stupid little kid).
Other than that. Sorry, Watcher. We just don't have a lot of ideas about your state. We just don't even consider it, it's so far away.
well seeing as i am from the west siiiieeed, Pasadena CA the City of Roses, i love CA, never been to CO but i still love goin back to LA and Pasadena usually for SC football games but the food in CA is so much better...IN-N-OUT burger!!! Holla
Never been to Colorado. Seen a million pictures from the ten weeks my brother spent there last year. It. Is. Gorgeous.
As for the people, I can't say I really know. I have relations out there, and they're incredibly awesome. But they're family, so it's different.
I imagine Colorado is quite average, once you get to know it.
Oh, wait. Everywhere is average, once you get to know it.
um, you live in the wilderness? Unless you live in Denver? Pretty much that's all I know.
you guys know nothing about CO...
Boulder is right next to the mountains and is NOT FLAT AND BROWN
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