Thursday, January 12, 2006

I am a failure.

09:02:22 AM


Anonymous said...

oh god, can we get more sacriligeous?

Anonymous said...

Can we get any fewer spambot posts that make it onto the main site?

Honestly, a hot spark of a comment, and a name link that goes to a virtually content-less site. Can you spell "filter" ?

Anonymous said...

Interesting dilema. Moderators should obviously be able to filter grossly explicit content, naughty links, and the like, but where do they draw the line for posts that are annoyances? Shouldn't we all have free speech, especially here of all places?

Anonymous said...

And if no one else is going to say it: Jesus did some awesome shit. He helped a lot of people and revolutionized what we mean when we think of "Good", but then a bunch of his followers screwed it up with all that miracle crap.

Why can't we just believe in being good people without all the instant gratification and "eternal bliss"? Altruism is it's own reward.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, we should kill everyone who doesn't want to be an altruist.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, it wasn't a 'robot-spam'
thing, it was a genuine jokey/provocative post by a very real human being. Also, I don't have my own blog or website, so i thought i'd just link it to something pertinent (vaguely) -No harm done, it's not a dangerous site or anything. It's just a picture-forum that i happen to use a lot and sometimes i lead others there, simply to bring in more people for me to interact with.

Anyway, my comment wasn't meant to be sacrilegious but i'm willing to risk offending if it stimulates thought and/or debate.
I totally agree with Anonymous#4,
you make some very good points. I
am not a Christian either but i
am quite a fan of Jesus.


Anonymous said...

You know what? I would honestly agree that Jesus was a failure. Jesus didn't want to create a religion that was responsible for the countless deaths of Jews. Jesus preached caring for the poor and being a good person, which is more than I could say about a great many members of the Catholic clergy.

Anonymous said...

He didn't fail, we failed.