Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A word of warning: A girl recently has randomly informed me that she's had a crush on me for a while now. I was /pretty/ good friends with her but this was completely out of the blue. I just don't see it going anywhere. Now I've been avoiding her like the plague (I actaully ran from her before she saw me this morning) becasue I don't want to hurt her feelings.

Before you go out and reveal those deepest desires, weigh the odds and use extreme caution. Do you really want to risk your friendship?

09:06:46 PM


Anonymous said...

I agree, you have to take into account the reactions certain people might have.

However, original poster, I disagree with your handling of the situation. You're probably confusing her, and really not solving your problem.

Maybe you should talk to her about it. It might help.

At the very least, don't run. Running's for freshmen and small animals. Not elite Enloe-ers.

And if you don't go to Enloe, accept my apologies, but consider the advice nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

You, original poster, are the scenario outcome every girl dreads.

Dr.A said...

Maybe, though, you also had a lot of mixed up feelings. What do you do when someone tells you something like that? I mean, I think talking to her is probably the best solution, but I wasn't there to judge at the time.
Always follow your own judgement first, that's my policy.

Oh, and anonymous 1. There are some elite Enloe-ers that run -- XC.

Dr.A said...

I sure hope this wasn't the girl:

I've developed a random and intense crush on one of my good guy friends. We've known each other for years.
So now what?

04:18:26 PM

Anonymous said...

this is pretty much why most of us keep our secret best-friend crushes between ourselves and tangst.

Dr.A said...

haha I don't.
that seems to be my downfall with the ladies.

Anonymous said...

you should really go and talk to her about it. there really isn't any solution to ur problem where you won't end up hurting her feelings, but being outright and honest about it avoids the worst of the situation

Anonymous said...

Okay, chances are it hurts her feelings more if you run away from her than if you just talk to her. Don't be immature.

Anonymous said...

If this is who I think it is, she saw you. And you need to talk to her.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when people try guess who's who or attempt to send personal messages over tangst. That's really not the point at all. Even if you think you know whose posted something leave them be. If they wanted to be judged or even recognized they would have posted this somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

original poster, of course it will be a little awkward being around someone after they have told you something like this. but wouldn't she (and you) far prefer to just move on from the situation and continue being good friends? that seems like a far better solution than just letting any kind of relationship with each other end.

Anonymous said...

This same problem was in the newspaper advice column two issues ago.

But we only gave superficial fluff. Ha-ha.

Anonymous said...

The outcome that everyone dreads, the outcome that causes all of us to bottle up our feelings and have reason to create anonymous sites like this.

You sir, are destroying america.

Be a better person and talk to her.

Anonymous said...

You, Original Poster, are the reason that I gave up on ever trying to have a closer-than-friends relationship with any boy. Hmph.

Anonymous said...

good plan, last anonymous. thanks for contributing to the extinction of the human race. ;)

Anonymous said...

^ Who needs relationships when we've got genetic engineering?

PChis said...

haha we're not quite that far along yet

but soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes...soon, socially awkward people around the world won't HAVE to develop social skills. They can just continue to rule from behind the scenes and build their life partners out of A, T, G, and C.

Anonymous said...

Socially awkward. What a good way to sum this up.

Anonymous said...

what the hell did you think running away from her would solve? if anything,that was very, very immature and cowardly.