Wednesday, January 11, 2006

... like you have so much to live up to that you have no choice but to keep building up the walls around you.

sometimes it's too much.
sometimes you want to give up.

but you know you can't.

08:18:58 PM


Anonymous said...

keep your head up

Anonymous said...

don't give up, hopefully it'll all be worth it in the end

Anonymous said...

that is completely my life right now. i have so much pressure from my teachers at school and my cello teacher and my mom, it's just ridiculous. i can't do everything well, and i feel like i'm expected to. i don't know what to choose, but i know i'll have to make a choice some day soon. i really do want to just give up. i don't have the energy to keep doing this for another 2.5 years. i want to sink into apathy and never grow up. i'd be happy to live with my parents and be 15 forever if it meant i could be a person again.