Monday, January 09, 2006

My grades are dropping. Im supposed to be headed for college in august, every second i am filled with terror that Ill be revoked. I have a D for a semester grade. I am terrified. I am terrified. I am terrified. I am consumed.

03:06:20 PM


TintedFragipan said...

Not to make light of your real problem, but I am digging the "triple repetition + I am consumed."

Hardcore leetness.

But also, semester grades get me in a tizzy too.

Anonymous said...

Time to start working harder.

Dr.A said...

Speaking of grades dropping and tizzy... DBQ today.

sithgirl said...

DBQ = doom

The end.

Anonymous said...

come on now, it wasn't that bad. only 25% of our grade......

Oh wait. O.o

Anonymous said...

Yeah it could have been better.

Anonymous said...

...I am terrified.....

Anonymous said...

these people joke, but I know how you feel. The thought of grades slipping when they've never slipped before... the idea that maybe your streak of good luck is over... the terror when you realize that you just can't do this work effortlessly anymore... the fear that maybe you'll never be that good again...

it's terrifying.

Anonymous said...

So much is the unfortunate luck of having really screwy teachers this year.

Anonymous said...

hopefully I'll never hit that wall.

TintedFragipan said...

I don't think of my good grades as "luck"

PChis said...

Neither do I. It's sort of a game of chance with what teachers you get, but any teacher can be overcome.

Anonymous said...

I feel exactly the same way you do. I think I may be the only other one out of all these anonymous-ers college bound this fall, and this semester is my last chance attempt at colleges. I AM SO FUCKING NERVOUS. Not to mention this is an opportune time for my teachers to start acting whacko, right? Right. Aka...I think I'm failing. Awesome. I really don't know what to do b/c "working harder" number 1 won't work b/c i'm alreayd working my ass off, and number 2, i only have this week for my semester grades (the ones that count for college)'s kind of over. All I can say, is, good luck. I hope somehow things work out. Focus on the good things instead of things you can't change.

Anonymous said...

Thanks and good luck