Monday, October 30, 2006

I feel like I'm a zit, and if anyone knows I'm here they'll pop me. I feel like a blemish on the face of society.

I am a girl. I like girls. Is there really something tremendously bad about that? If so please TELL ME WHY PLEASE!!! I truly want to know why society has pumped into me so much that sraight is the way to be that when I accept what makes me happy I feel like a pervert. Thinking about females makes me HAPPY, it's not like I'm thinking about raping young children.. so why does society give a damn!

Ok so I'm not in the social norm. Do you really think that I don't know that? Why does everyone have to rub it in my face? A majority of females think about malees when they have sexual fantasies. I diviate from this pattern. But 10% (studies say) of people are like me and deviate to, in the same way that I do. So it's not like it's an uncommon deviation or anything. IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO THINK ABOUT GIRLS. It may make you happy to think about the oppostie gender, do you want me to ruin YOUR happiness??

Please, please just think about it when you say "that is so gay" next time. Think of the person around you who is weeping inside because you are using their orientaion as an insult. Please.

11:40:10 PM


Anonymous said...

Think of it this way, the Western culture is becoming more and more liberalized regarding the issue of sexual orientation. In 5-10 years the world will be even more accepting towards homosexuality. These are the dying days of the religious right's credibility. Don't feel like a social pariah.

Love is love.

PChis said...

I think you need to take things a little more in stride.

Anonymous said...

yea when people say this is so gay, they rarely mean anything about sexual oreintation. And really are you not lesbian?

Anonymous said...

HAHA "rub it in you face", ive got a sick mind

Anonymous said...

Gay applies to both males and females. It doesn't matter if it has nothing to do with orientation, the fact that the word has developed into an insult is a shame.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Anything tinted says on this subject is really something that should be ignored... what he says about homosexuality is either cruel humor or expression of his own self-hate.

Really tinted, this is nastier than I've seen you.

Anonymous said...

Being who you are is harder than being what others want you to be. You are no blemish because of your difference from the norm.

In a different world, place, or time you might have been the norm.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry, I haves used Gay to express somethign that I dont like. "thats so gay" but i have nothing against gays in any way, shape, or form.

Graffiti Pastry said...

In a world where same-sex couples could propagate a species... then yes, I think that could be the norm.

You should try being a slug, they're both sexes all the time since two slugs don't meet up too often.

Not that I think being against the norm is bad!

Anonymous said...

yea. and i still stand by my prediction. everyone is turning gay. or its just the same gay person trying to walk out of her closet every week on tangst.

Queen Sekaf said...

worms too. I would imagine it would be kind of awkward to actually have real sex with yourself though.

Anonymous said...

Umm, anon 7 I do believe that if you counted up all the posts about heterosexuals and compared it to all the posts about homosexuals, and figured out all the percentages and stuff I bet 10% or less of the total posts would be about gay people. (fyi roughly 10% of the pop is gay)