Wednesday, October 25, 2006

fuck you, perfect people. fuck you.

i may not have a 4.5 gpa and be taking eleventy bajillion APs and i may not even be that good at the sport i'm in or the activities i'm involved with. my test scores may not be high, and i probably won't get into the college of my choice.

but you know what? i'm a good person. i'm nice, funny, and friendly--to everyone. i can make people feel comfortable, i can be the one to stand up and say what needs to be said, or be the one who has the extra large ear for people to talk to.

i'm a damn good person. i'm just not perfect.
so why do i constantly bring myself down, compare myself to other perfect people, and curse how dumb i am?

12:56:19 AM


Anonymous said...

lol at thinking a 4.5 gpa is good...

Anonymous said...

lol at considering anything less than a 5.0 to be "perfect"...

Anonymous said...

You know those perfect people might be total jerk-offs. Like you said, you're a nice person. You have lots of good friends. WHO CARES what these "perfect people" do or act like. They are just there. there will always been people out there that accomplish more then you..enjoy who you are. You are you, and whatever you can do or want to do, embrace it!

ps- to posts above, maybe a 4.5 is perfect to op, dont hate.

Anonymous said...

I feel you, OP.

I sometimes just want to give up if I can't be perfect.
(It hurts.)

Queen Sekaf said...
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Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being a fantastic person, I hope your happy when you're at a not-so-great college next year. People work becuase they want to go to a school that is exciting, challenging, and will offer them oppurtunities to puruse what they want in life - not to make lazy people feel bad about themselves. Sorry. It's not our fault you're not good at anything.

Anonymous said...

I have a 5.5 GPA, and you, OP, make me ashamed of myself.

Anons 1, 2, and especially 5 are bitches. To anon 5 personally: may you die surrounded by the love of all your shiny framed degrees.

Be proud, OP. The gates of heaven open to the generous, not to the successful.

thewordofrashi said...

Woah. So much hate in this topic. From both the OP and the masses.

To the OP: Stop being a jealous prick.

To everyone else: It is one thing when people work hard to get their grades. It is quite another when they base their entire lives around school. Because let's face it, no one cares if you go to Chapel Hill's medical school or ECU's medical school. There are more important things in life than just grades and school. No one cares if you made straight A's all through high school if you're a complete douche.

And that's all I have to say.

Anonymous said...

op. your probably brillant.
but no one apprecates brillance in teens anymore.
for girls its hourglass, preppy.
for guys its athletic.
well world i got news for you.

Anonymous said...

well you have to consider that you are probably coming from a different place than most of those perfect people. I Dont have a great gpa and im nopt great at everything , but Ive had to go through alot more thean most people , so im proud of what im accoplished in the face of obstacles. Dont compare you accoplishments with others when you have diffrent situations than them.

Anonymous said...

OP, I am one of those perfect people that you hate. I have a very high GPA, I have many extracurriculars and excel in all of them. So what?
Every person is blessed with different gifts. And that is all they are gifts. Look at everything that goes into making a person. First there's the parents genes, then the family they were raised in, the place they were raised in, the millions of little situations that shaped their character in the very beginning of their lives.
Just because I may have better grades than you, or I may be faster or stronger, or I may have more leadership positions at school, doesn't make me better than you, unless you subscribe to such inconsequential and worldly systems of measurement.
All that you can do is use the gifts that you are given to the best of your ability.

Anonymous said...

haha, I don't plan on dying with my degrees - I plan on going to a school where I can have really good teachers, a really good study abroad program, and really good program in the area I want to pursure. Just becuase I want to be academically successful and I work for it doesn't mean I'm a hearltess person with no friends or love for humanity. The two are not mutually exclusive. Anyone who wants to sit around and complain about how they aren't going to get into college needs to find what their passionate about and follow it - it's not hard, and if you care enough, chances are you'll be good at it too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9 is the only rational person in this discussion.

Don't compare yourself; respect yourself.

Anonymous said...

To start this off, I've always been smart/athletic/attractive. But for me something like getting good grades has always been something I'm incapable of. Homework. I have to resist/overpower/control my subconcious telling me I'll have time later, it doesn't matter, this will only take a moment, whatever. This is what I'm bad at. I'm not very good at working hard. My primary problem is that none of my problems are legitimate problems.

It's easy to say you can just work hard. But it's a lot like someone on the trapeze saying "It's easy see? Just swing your body like this and this and then do a flip!" Ta-Da.

PChis said...

Yeah, I guess I am pretty much an awesome person aren't I?

Anonymous said...

Perfectionism is a paradox. The human psyche is not meant to survive an ideal (The Matrix and, for a more real reference, the mental breakdown of Howard Hughes). The amount of stress you go through in school has a more lasting effect than the actual grades you get (with the exception of mCATs in college).

Now, to make it personal, I'm close to that situation. I empathize with most people more than most of their friends and tend to be a recipient of a good deal of confessions. I don't think I can relate to the low GPA and not enough APs (I'm taking six...and have no As). I guess being one-sixty-something in class doesn't mean much at enloe. That's not my problem.

No one likes me as a boyfriend. I'm a confidant, a friend, a mediator, or a priest (well, atheist), but never a lover, never a romantic. I'm not incapable, I'm just brushed aside by all the handsom people, the party animals I hang out with. I don't compare myself to them, but I am compared to them, and it makes me miserable.