Saturday, October 21, 2006

I feel a sense of impending doom daily now. I am a teenage girl and I don't believe I will live to be really old. I feel like I will get in a bad car wreck and possibly die or will be murdered. How many others sense this?

07:29:16 PM


Anonymous said...

I do. I'm not especially afraid of death, because I have a feeling it will come fairly soon. It's strange to have made peace so early..but it's happened and makes life a bit easier for now.

Queen Sekaf said...

I don't

Anonymous said...

My best friend told me half a year ago that she had a nightmare. She was watching her own funeral, and everybody was there, wearing bright bright colors, and she told me that I was wearing a Carmen Miranda hat with fruit on it.

The year was 2007 in her dream.

And I'm still rather scared for her.

Anonymous said...

i feel like that all the time. it's hard to be motivated to do schoolwork when you feel like you won't live past college.

like anon1, i don't really care.

Anonymous said...

given my family's history of deaths i am scheduled to die before im 40 but I dont really feel a sense of impending doom.

Anonymous said...

haha wow. you guys are like retardedly deppresing. i'm sure you arent ready for death at all. if someone held up a gun to your face i'm sure you wont be ready. its like that moment where you're about to have a car accident and then you dont. your stomach turns over. and you freeze and hold your breath for a milisecond. if you didnt care at all....that wouldn't happen.

i'm not ready for death but i do sometimes wonder what people would do if i died. like who would it affect. what people would say. my friends, family, teachers. all those people that dont talk to me or ignore me, how regret it because i'm not a bad person at all. they're just bitchy and cliquey. it actually makes me feel good b/c i have people that truly love me. but then bad...b/c people dont realize what they do to other people. and dont realize how much they hurt someone until that person is gone.

PChis said...

Nope, I plan to die of natural causes, fighting God to the end.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the sense of impending doom; I get the sense that, if I die before 80, it will be taking a bullet for someone else (in a metaphoric sense). I never do anything quite awsome enough to that impending doomness. In college I'll probably be that guy that doesn't ever get drunk because he has to drive everyone else home. Morality is lame.

Anonymous said...

i do, i do! it's so weird, i feel like i'm going to die at the weirdest times... like driving on the highway... and other such scenarios.

it freaks me out and makes me feel like a total mental case :(

Anonymous said...

I don't. At All. I plan to join the army. I also plan to get married and have kids and grandkids.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought I was going to die the night before graduation...

This fear is awful in a lot of ways, but in a lot of ways its good, too. I'm hesitant to waste even a single moment. I always think I'll die before the end of the year.

Graffiti Pastry said...

I'm not sure I see how "going to the army" and "having a family" go together.

At least, not without the "impending doom" part of it.

So I don't know what you're talking about. At All.