Thursday, October 26, 2006

i work out and i try to eat healthy but i'm not losing any weight.

and i HATE it. i don't want to lose the weight to get attention from guys, no it's so that i can finally feel comfortable with myself again. the last year has been pretty rough and i put on a couple of pounds... i'm by no means fat... in fact most people just shut me down when i try to talk about my weight. but i hate that i'm trying (apparently not hard enough) but everywhere i go people are just shoving food down my mouth thinking that it's okay.

07:13:29 PM


Anonymous said...

girls are like tests..

good curves make for a more enjoyable experience

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you feel this way, OP. I can identify with the feelings you express - funny thing, though, that I only ever felt those feelings when I had an eating disorder. For all I know, you could be perfectly healthy, but... you make me worry. Your resistance to food leads one to think that there might be something deeper going on here...