Sunday, June 04, 2006

umm, Gore is 58 years old. why on earth would he run anyway?

(and as a sidenote, he is THE least photogenic person i've ever seen.)

07:57:37 PM


Anonymous said...


thewordofrashi said...

SD, you know as well as I do that photogenics have just as much to do with winning an election as the actual issues. Not saying it's right, but that's what happens. Perfect example: 1960, Nixon v. Kennedy.

But it doesn't really matter for men. We don't have to worry about menopause, which incidentally does not occur at 35, as so many people have reminded me. Haha.

PChis said...

35?! Crazy! That's just when they start running more tests on your babies while in the womb as there is a much higher chance of certain disorders setting in with a mother older than 35.

Anonymous said...

why does it matter.

who would vote for him?

Anonymous said...

yea what a dumb commentmost presidents are around that age , and photogenic who cares if hes photogenic.

Anonymous said...

bush isn't photogenic and I voted for him.

Anonymous said...

McCain would be 72 if he took office in 2008. I'm not sure how a age like 58 would prevent Gore from running. He would be a better candidate than somebody polarizing like Clinton for the Democratic party.

Anonymous said...

I reaaly hope a democrat gets in office. Or atleast a republican who is less conservative than bush.

Anonymous said...

im not saying his not being photogenic has to do with my vote.

thats why i said it was a SIDENOTE.

thewordofrashi said...

Or atleast a republican who is less conservative than bush.

Bush isn't a Republican. A Republican in office is a good thing, at least in my eyes. Someone as blind as Bush is not. Small government is good. Big government is not. I will not be divided by party lines. If the Democrats convince me that they're in favor of small government and lower taxes, they'll get my vote in a heartbeat. We're in the middle of a party shift, ladies and gentlemen. Where it will take us, who knows?

Anonymous said...

Since when has Bush been a conservative. See Reagan if you want conservative.

Anonymous said...

"Since when has Bush been a conservative."


PChis said...

Conservatism used to be about the whole small government thing.

Reagan started the change with the whole "supply side economics." I know everyone, especially rashi, like to hold him up as the "what we want to be a republican" as he isn't ANYTHING like Bush, but he started with the whole cutting money away from the poor and giving it to the rich and the corporations that Bush Sr. and Jr. how based their political philosophies.

I mean, I'm not saying that's bad at all don't get me wrong...nothing wrong with screwing over small people for corporate/rich gain...right?

Anonymous said...

Ya, I was thinking more along the lines that Bush didn't necesserily employ conservative governing practices, not that he wasn't conservative in other facets, like social issues. So forgive me for my broad generalization.