Sunday, June 04, 2006

STILL waiting to become a contributor. *sigh*.

(seeing as, you know, i asked back before APs.)

07:55:41 PM


Graffiti Pastry said...

Well, there goes our funding.

Anonymous said...

um, sd, think about it. i want to become a contributor anonymously?

and it was a temporary stop during AP week until admins decided new policies.

which was, you know, a month ago...

Anonymous said...

if anyone bothered reading the may site update, there were absolutely no changes to anything during the month of may, other than sd becoming an admin. (congrats, btw.)

the "temporary" stop on maintenance has been on everything - not just contribs.

and i have to agree with anon1, contributors don't do anything special to the site.

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with SD and the previous two anonymous posters.

To add: sithgirl is notoriously forgetful. I've had to remind her to blink on more than one occasion. That was kind of sad, actually.

Oops, I guess I just gave myself away :P

Anonymous said...

well then, gee, why don't we do away with contributors and admin names entirely and just make EVERYONE post anonymously?

let's just have admins do their duties while still posting anonymously. hey, why not? if being a contributor "doesnt mean anything."

PS if it doesnt, then why did you become one, sd?

thewordofrashi said...

The only benefit to being a contributor is that you can post directly to the site. Other than that, it's only good for bragging rights. And we've had the discussion about everyone posting anonymously before. And we decided that was bullshit.

Basically, let sithgirl do what she wants. Eventually, I'm sure we'll allow more contributors. But in the meantime, just wait.

龙年 said...

To the anonymous above rashi (or anyone really):

Read the information about admins.
(PS. That's a link on the main nav bar)

A summary of the above link:

Contributors don't do much much other than post and have their names in the corner of the pages. They're exactly like Barry Bonds, or any of the others who post using their Blogger ID's, just with the ability to post straight to Tangst, instead of posting to Share-A-Secret and waiting for publication.

Admins, on the other hand, publish posts, moderate comments and remove spam, update the site template, and moderate the blog settings.


The confusing part of the situation is that all the contributors and admins are listed under the header of "Contributors" on the site. However, that may change as the site template is updated later this month.

In response to the original poster, I suggest that you (or anyone who wants to be a "contributor" of tangst) simply begin posting under your Blogger handles. If you notice, any submissions posted under these handles (or custom non-Blogger handles, for that matter) are published with proper linking and association to denote the non-anonymity.

If you are wondering how to procure a Blogger handle by which to log-in and post upon Tangst, sign up to receive one from Blogger. It's free, and it's easy. You don't even have to keep up your own blog to be able to log in and post comments or submissions under your ID.

thewordofrashi said...

Actually, Box Box, would you be so kind as to remind me how to do said appropriate linking? My HTML knowledge is slightly lacking. I really only remember how to put things in bold and italics.

龙年 said...

For rashi, and all those interested:


<a href="">Click for</a>

Shows as:

Click for