Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This thing still poisons my mind, and yet I "recovered" from it thirteen months ago.

That is, until my first relapse. And my second, and third, and tenth.

I doubt it'll ever be all the way gone.

Ana and Mia are my worst friends ever.

01:05:46 PM


TintedFragipan said...


Anonymous said...

It's possible to mix them, ending up with a cocktail that's neither anorexia nor bulimia.

In my case, I was eating very little, but sometimes purging what little I ate. I never really binged - once, I ate a bowl of ice cream (that was a massive thing for me at the time) and threw it up. Maybe 400 calories. That was my biggest "binge."

So, it was both ana and mia... neither truly in their purest forms.

Anonymous said...

Wow. And here I thought you were schizophrenic, and Ana and Mia were your imaginary friends...

Anonymous said...

ice cream is delicious, I can understand why you would want to taste it twice. Wait no i cant thats disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Just keep trying (to free yourself from the disease, that is). I was partially anorexic when I was younger. It took me about three or four years to get back to "normal eating", and even not I sometimes think I'm eating too much, even though I'm on the smaller side of a normal weight. Keep trying. DON'T GIVE UP AND DON'T GIVE IN. I know you can do it. :)