Wednesday, June 14, 2006

i just got braces :

11:58:45 PM


Swales said...

DO NOT let them file down your canines and other teeth when they take the braces off. DO NOT, I SAY! It hurts like one of the minor rings of purgatory and leaves you fangsless!

Anonymous said...

omg,you're scaring me! im wearing braces too and its been a year it really painful when they take off the braces? =X but i cant wait to get them off! =D

Anonymous said...

:# = :)

Don't worry about it.
This, too, shall pass.

TintedFragipan said...

When I had braces (I had them for five years, and had the huge headgear that wrapped all around my head on the outside... a big halo of metal) I swore and swore I hated them, I didn't care that my front teeth stuck out at right angles, I would never wish it on anybody...

but, now I'm glad I had them.

thewordofrashi said...

It doesn't hurt to get them off. Trust me. It's one of the most liberating feelings in the world. And then when the dentist cleans them afterwards, and your teeth are so of the best feelings in the world.

I hated braces when I had them for two years. But looking at myself now and then, I realize that braces reshaped my entire face, and I look much better now.

Good luck and Godspeed.

Anonymous said...

i dont have canines and i really miss my fangs. I dont have fangs anymore because i night i grind my teeth and they wore down. I need to get braces too but my I cant afford them and its not super urgent so...

Anonymous said...

My friend was in the hospital because all of the visible parts of her 12-year-molars had been eroded away. The exposed roots were left to fester in her mouth. As a result, she couldn't eat solid food without clutching her jaw. Eventually, said roots got infected, her cheeks swelled into softballs, and she ended up in Rex. Two surgeries, a lot of Jell-o, and a few hits of (legal) morphine later, she was out with her two removed roots sitting in a plastic tube at her side.

It was a happy ending, after it was all over...
Oh, except that those were only her bottom two. So the top two grew downward enough that they hurt the just-recently exposed gums that now lie in place of her molars.
So it's back to pain.

(I just like telling her sob story, feel free to ignore this.)