Monday, June 12, 2006

I loved him for not caring and not trying too hard. I also loved him for breathing in and out, and walking upright, and a million other things that are pedestrian and mundane.

01:27:58 AM


Anonymous said...

Change this to the present tense and it is the essence of what's been resonating through my mind for months.

I love him for... everything. Breathing, blinking, laughing and squinting up the left eye more than the right one, wearing pants that don't fit him, and pretty much just for existing.

There's nothing better than love.

Anonymous said...

thats really nice.
love him for who he is.
love him for the silly things he does and the way he walks.
love him for having such a compassionate heart for animals
love him for the way he smiles and the way he pays attention to the little details.
love him for just who he is. ((: