Friday, June 02, 2006

I posted on here a few days ago because I was afraid I was beginning to come between my friend and her boyfriend. Well, he broke up with her yesterday (I knew I had a bad feeling about it). Im not sure I should do - I might be interested in him if I got hang out with him more, but my friends really upset about it so I definitely want to stay away for at least a while.

10:53:32 PM


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well i mean. at least he didn't cheat on her. and you kept your distance and were worried about it.

so theres nothing to feel guilty about. if he likes you, he did the right thing and broke up with his g/f. if you're interested...then go for it.

but yea make sure your friend is ok with it first.

Anonymous said...

If beer advertisements can provide a good point of refrence, six months.