Wednesday, June 07, 2006

is it necessary to see oneself as loving or beautiful or clever or interesting or funny or nice or friendly or gentle or strong or good?

lately, i don't see myself as any of those things.

i loathe myself.

Barry Bonds
08:28:04 AM


Emily said...

You shouldn't. Everyone has at least some good qualities.

Anonymous said...

yea dont worry you aren't any of those things, maybe your something else like your tall or something.

Emily said...

Tall? What does that have to do with anything? Tall doesn't even necessarily have to be a good quality, and it doesn't have anything to do with the type of person you are.

What I meant was that everyone has at least some sort of good personality qualities.

(I'm 4'11'', by the way)

PChis said...

tall is a very good thing, especially for males.

Anonymous said...

any ways i was just joking about that. It was really just an insult/joke

Queen Sekaf said...

I would say you gennerally ought to be able to find some good things about yourself, even if they aren't those specific ones. Self loathe is no good, but it happens to almost every one now and then. If you are really having trouble liking yourself, you oughtta take a step back and try to see what's making you feel that way. Or, what's not helping. If you still feel really bad in a month or two, you oughtta get help. Hope you feel better soon.

thewordofrashi said...

tall is a very good thing, especially for males.

Not necessarily. I remember reading somewhere that a large percentage of men would rather be 5'5" and have an 8 in. penis than be 6'1" and have a 5 in. one.

Emily said...

It's good that you're getting help with it, then. I honestly wish the best of luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Rashi - maybe that's what most guys prefer, but I doubt it's what most girls prefer. I'm 5'6" and I'd personally much rather have a guy who was a lot taller than me than one with a big penis. I mean yeah, 5 inches is pretty small, but that actually makes it easier to give head. I'm just more attracted to guys who are bigger than me. However, anyone who cares considerably about either of these things needs to check their priorities.