Tuesday, July 04, 2006

today when we were watching the fireworks in the park by my house, my dad turns to my mother and says (somewhat discreetly, in our home language) "Wow, she's pretty fat."

What am I supposed to say to that?
I finished setting up the chair and just looked at him and was like "uhh.. okay." and sort of rolled my eyes and pretended like it didn't bother me but it did, a lot.
I started crying silently.

If I feel fat, that's one thing. I can overcome that. But i can't stand the fact that my dad, the one person who is supposed to love me with all of my faults, thinks i'm a lardass.

Excuse me for not being a perfect fucking size 0 and doing everything else like i should. Have you looked at your middle-aged, sad ass lately?

Tonight my belief was reaffirmed:
My dad is not superman. He's just a jackass who pays the bills and occasionally does something nice.

11:37:15 PM


Anonymous said...

welcome to the real world honey. sorry it hurts so bad.

PChis said...

Maybe you should get in shape to earn some more respect from your father and conquer yourself as well as fall more into what society deems "acceptable."

I'm not saying this to be mean, but it truly is a good path for health, common activity, and just generally being alive.

My dad of course pulled a similar thing with me the end of the summer after freshman year. That forced me to join crew and my life has pretty much changed for the better.

The choice is of course, as always with these things, yours.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, i appreciate it.

Because, i've been working out every day this summer. I'm more athletic than anyone in my family. I'm taller than all of the girls in my house... and "bigger boned". So actually, I'm not "fat"... just compared to all of the other size 0,1,2's in my family/race ... i am HUGE at a size 5.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your situation. But if you're HUGE at size 5, then I would have been deathly obese at size 9. That body image just isn't realistic.

demitasse7 said...

Oh my god, I'm a five.

Anonymous said...

I'm a seven, and I really couldn't care less.

If you exercise, eat right, get enough sleep, are mentally stable, and fairly content with life, I don't think you should pay any attention to what other people say.

Being happy and healthy are the only things that should matter. I find it sad that they aren't.

Anonymous said...

lose some weight and quit bitching... lardass.

Anonymous said...

Nine or eleven, and completely happy with it.

-The former 1, former anorexic

Anonymous said...

you shouldn't say that about your own dad.

Anonymous said...

why not?

Queen Sekaf said...

I am actually in a similar situation to the OP. I feel fairly confident that the people who know me would agree that I am not "fat". However, I do wear a 7 or 9, compared to my mom who wears a 4. I am very athletic and its hurtful sometimes when she snaps at me for eating too many carbs or something. I basically have learned to realize that her standards are ridiculous and that I feel fine about myself and that's what matters.