Saturday, July 08, 2006

The reason my parents can't get along is me.
If I didn't exist, everything would be all right.
If I wasn't there, I didn't do stupid things, I actually thought about the consequences of my actions instead of doing them on an impulse, my parents would get along.
I'm the reason my dad's temper goes to the limits it goes, lashing out on my mom, who didn't do anything wrong.
It's all my fault.
I'm just a selfish, stupid idiot who doesn't deserve to live.
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.

06:20:27 PM


Graffiti Pastry said...

I'm so sorry you feel this way, but you have to be able to reassure yourself that it's not truly your fault. The only person that can make your father so unhappy is himself. The same thing goes for anybody, yes all things affect you.... but you cannot let them take control.

Whatever happens, your parents love you, and if they have problems it cannot honestly be blamed upon you.

Anonymous said...

ugh im a teenager nobody understands meeee. Im gonna go listen to slayer music and cut my self

Anonymous said...

anon, i think you should go fuck yourself.

and op, i think you should really take graffiti's words to heart. no matter how much you feel like it's your fault, and whatever small role you play in it, ultimately the way that your parents deal with each other is their own problem. you can't hold yourself responsible.

i know it's hard, but try to put less pressure on yourself. don't get down on yourself so much; it'll only make things seem worse.

PChis said...

Even so, you should probably stop doing stupid things.

Just a thought.

Queen Sekaf said...

Also ask yourself - should your mom really be with someone who takes their own problems out on her? If its really such a huge problem, maybe this is a sign for her to get out.