Saturday, July 15, 2006

girl put your records on
tell me your favorite song
you go ahead let your hair down
sapphire and faded jeans
i hope you get your dreams
just go ahead let your hair down

haha. that song always puts me in a good mood. so i just looked over APs today. mediocre, but still pretty happy with them. but uhh... how the hell did i only get a 4 in art history? but a 5 in world history? that's supposed to be flip flopped.

10:16:02 PM


Anonymous said...

I got a 4 in Art History also :(

I studied for that like crazy, but I'll bet it was that motherfucking furry teacup and the "Who is the architect of this building *shows building no one has ever seen*" question that cost me my score. My answers for those were pretty much gibberish with the word "evokes" thrown around.

Anonymous said...

hahaha i knew the oppenheim too! as for the building. i literally a smiley face and left it at that

Anonymous said...

i fucking love that song.
no joke.

good choice!