Saturday, July 29, 2006

so about circumcision. I wasnt circumcised and im a little nervous about what my girlfriend's reaction will be.

12:19:08 AM


thewordofrashi said...

The ladies love it.

Anonymous said...

I don't like uncircumsized penises, but lots of girls do. Just warn her beforehand, because not knowing and then seeing it is kind of surprising.

Anonymous said...

Still have mine, and it's never been an issue. Like SD said, if you guys get to a point where she wants to see it and has seen everything else, then she won't give 2 shits one way or the other.

Don't sweat it brother. It's all good.

*And if for some reason she's freaked out by it, just pull it back. Best of both worlds, my friend. Best of both worlds...

PChis said...

Well you might want to practice some pins in case she thinks it's some sort of invader and tries to bite it off; after that you'll just have to explain to her how much cooler it is to have all of your penis.

Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I'm a girl. My boyfriend is uncircumcised. I don't care. Then again, I don't have a very wide range of sexual experience: his penis is the only one with which I have had a chance to become accquainted, so I don't know if I would prefer a different sort. But if she loves you, she shouldn't care.

Anonymous said...

become aquainted hahaha it sounds odd.

Queen Sekaf said...

she shouldn't care