Saturday, June 10, 2006

so i love that i have the ability to make it 4 years through high school, but as far as using a spoon and fork go, im screwed.

i cannot deal with relatives who that it is still ok to show me the proper way to eat food.

05:03:15 PM


PChis said...

So you finished high school, does that mean you now know how to eat correctly? Does that mean that your relatives who were your elders no longer are?

No, it means none of that.

My question is, do you know how to eat properly? Cause if you do well that's annoying, but if you don't then as your family they pretty much have every right to do that.

Especially if you're southern.

Queen Sekaf said...

I always eat (raw) spinach with my hands and my parents always get mad at me. I tell them they're tools and they the tell me that's too bad, becuase it's inappropriate to eat with my hands and if I keep it up I'll get grounded.

Anonymous said...

this isn't a "manners" thing. i chew with my mouth closed and hold utensils properly. this is a "we-have-not-yet-realized-that-you've-grown-beyond-the-age-of-two" thing.


Anonymous said...

Ick. That would be annoying...but if you've finished high school, hopefully you can get away most of the time from the relatives who do that? Perhaps?

Anonymous said...

yea if you finished highschool soon you'll probably be in college where you will revert to eating everything with your hands.

TintedFragipan said...

Hmm, I eat everything with my hands. It tastes better.