Friday, June 02, 2006

On at least 2 times today I've looked at people that I've know forever and been reminded of all those stories they make lifetime movies about involving "real teenagers" lives. My friend today was slapped on the ass about a thousand times in a row and didn't even give it a second thought. It was discussing. They grabbed her boobs and kept making jokes about how they wanted to fuck her. She was soaking it up. I can't see her as my friend today. I see her as a slut. A dirty trash receptical for sperm. Even though that's how everyone else sees her, I can't help but feel bad for thinking it. I should be mad at my guy friends for taking advantage of the fact that she has no self respect what so ever like I normaly would be but I'm not. I honestly wanted to throw up watching it. Later, I was listening to some kids talk after school on the ride home. The where making fun of this girl they all knew. The things they said were too terrible for me to repeat, even on tangst. How does a person bring them selves to say such horrible things about another human being without feeling ashamed? I really don't understand the world sometimes.

12:20:20 AM


Anonymous said...

Some kids get attention yb being rude to their parents and misbehaving, some adults get atention by comitting crimes, this girl gets it by being a skank.

On one level (unconscious of course) I'm sure you're just jealous that she is expressing herself sexually and getting some (and that the guys are paying attention to her instead of you), but we both know that what she is doing is completely unhealthy and an afwul way to live your life.

Pretty much, don't spend your time judging these people and acting all morally superior, because they all have reasons for doing what they do. I'm sure down the road they'll see what idiots they were and regret their actions (I'm sure you will at one point in your life as well) but for now just be accepting and simply try to steer them in the right direction instead of pointing fingers.

Anonymous said...

yea i know that kind of girl. It kinda disgust me how they can be such attention whores but i admit i sometimes flirt back. most of the time i attempt to just stay out of the circle to avoid the petty things that arise with people like that. I agree with anon1 we all do stuff like this in one form or another and while i may not like they way girls like this do that i cant say im any better in my own way.

Anonymous said...

I try my best not to judge her. She's actually one of my best friends. Her actions just bother me sometimes, that's all. After meting her, most of my friends became divided. Some of them hate her with a passion and some of them, like me, try to look past what bothers eveyone else. I really do feel bad complaining but I think I only feel this because I'm worried about her. Part of this was me expressing my concer for humanity.