Monday, April 03, 2006

Rantings of an Unstable High School Mind

I think it is really funny that the "Team Member" lists for Tangst, the Official Tangst Blog, and Et Cetera are basically all the same people.

Yeah guys, I'm really bored and I want to go back to the beach tomorrow instead of to Bell's class.

Actually, I'd rather go anywhere tomorrow instead of Bell's class, but sich is the tragedy of Creation.

But I am rather excited, because Tuesday means prom is closer than it was yesterday. Hooray for the occasional lifting of the bleak life view shared by so many full-time students.

Alas, Babylon, why hast thou forsaken me? What evils hast I committed to be thrust into such an unhappy state of affairs?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


knight, we're going to have to go back to enviro!!! vomittttttt