Sunday, April 30, 2006

I have completely fallen for someone I met on a website for people around my age who live in the same city. It was more than a month ago when we started chatting. Our first conversation, which was more like an argument, gave me the impression that this person was only looking for a fight and not any kind of relationship, but i kept talking to him whenever he was online because i am not one to back down from a fight. Anyway, over time, we started having actual conversations, and as it turns out, we have a lot in common, but we also have a lot of differences, which I like because there's always something new about him that surprises me. Now, we're good friends, and I really like talking to him. I feel like I can tell him everything, and we're just so honest and open to each other, which I really like. What I don't like is that I have completely fallen for him, but I don't want to ruin things if it turns out that he doesn't feel the same. It's killing me inside, but whenever he's around, it's a completely different story. He makes me feel happier and it's just...indescribable. I'm actually starting to think that I (insert L word) him. I just wish that I could tell him instead of telling everyone else.

02:17:11 AM


Anonymous said...

so you've never seen him in person?

Anonymous said...

yea....and its so much easier to meet someone and be comfortable with someone online...b/c can be whoever you want to on the internet.

Anonymous said...

gotta watchout for the predators though