Saturday, April 22, 2006

so i recently (or sorta recently) made a new friend, who is super awesome, i feel sooo comfortable around her and like, we talk about things that i never talk about with ppl of the opposite sex

11:24:53 PM


thewordofrashi said...

Congratulations, I think. Heck, congratulations! It's always good to make new friends, especially of the opposite sex.

Anonymous said...

it's fantastic to have someone like this to talk with. im so happy for you! kudos :)

Anonymous said...

I had just the type of friend you're speaking of, by far the best friend I've ever had in my life...and then we started dating. All I can say is enjoy every minute while it lasts.

Swales said...

When, exactly, did the op identify this awesome new friend as a member of the opposite sex? After reading, I assumed the person was of the same sex as the op. Just my impression, was all. Not that it really matters. Congrats on friendship!

Anonymous said...

Wow, its always nice to have friends that you can talk about anything with. Do you feel that you are becoming more than friends with her?