Friday, April 28, 2006

i have too many friends with too much money and its really embarassing not having enough. My parents declared bankruptcy a couple of months ago and none of them will ever know. it tears me apart inside when i think about my mom crying as she signed the papers.

04:23:25 PM


Anonymous said...

wow anonymous one way to be a hypocrit
your telling op not to complain but then you complain for the rest of your post

Anonymous said...

^lol, thats true.

Sorry about what happend. You should get a job and yes, welcome to the read world.

thewordofrashi said...

Way to be a dick, anonymous 1.

Look, OP. I can understand your position. But look at it this way. My dad was born into a poor immigrant family, and he grew up to be the CEO of a company, and has run several successful businesses, such that we live pretty comfortably. If you put the work in, you can do the same. And the best way to start is to get a job.

Anonymous said...

Dude... guys. Getting a job would be beneficial to the OP, no doubt, but that's not what the tangst in question is about. It's not about having enough money to survive, neccessarily, it's about the STIGMA of the struggle to make ends meet. And people like Anonymous 1 are only making that problem worse. As a society, we need to stop looking down on those with lower household incomes than others. It's not helping anything, especially not their initiative to better themselves.

Anonymous said...

why do you all assume op doestn have a job?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for you, OP. My dad just had his paycheck cut by 25%, so we're having to deal with that. It's not the same thing, but I sympathize. I hope you are strong enough to make it through the next few years of your life. Push as hard as you can, and if your friends are true friends, they'll give you emotional support if you lean on them.

Anonymous said...

More so it's about the shame and embarrasment. Every other friend the op has doesn't ever have to worry about choosing the worse college because their parents can't afford it, or be embarrased to have friends come over because their house is to small. Rich kids might not be happier or more succesful in the end (even though statistically they probably are) but they certainly don't have to worry so much when they're young.