Sunday, April 23, 2006

As golden summer rounds the corner heralding the last few months of senior year, many things become apparent (ie.- how much weight i've gained since last summer, the virtues of spf 40...)and yet the answer to an ominous question remains hidden as my crush brushes past me in the hallway:

To pursue, or not to pursue?

With only May and June left, is it worth it?

06:38:13 PM


Anonymous said...

take the chance

thewordofrashi said...

What the hell? Worst comes to worst, if it ends poorly, you won't have to see them for much longer anyway. And if it turns out well, it is likely that you will make the effort to keep in touch with each other over the summer and once you start school.

It's a win-win situation.

PChis said...

yes sir. I had a two week experience was the best of my life.

Anonymous said...

go for it!

Anonymous said...

i'm in the same predicament.
i say pursue if it's easy enough to pursue.