Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why is it so hard to accept myself as I am?

07:41:35 PM


Anonymous said...

as yourself, you see every minute flaw and mistake, and since no one is perfect they happen a lot. in your head, they magnify and are multiplied exponentially until they're all you can see.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's a very difficult question. We run into the philosophical dilemma of whether we the You that Is, is a temporary one that you can change for the better if you work hard enough, or if You have permanent unchangable aspects of yourself that you have to learn to love and live with. In the end you have to accept a little of both. There may be some things about you that you see as undersireable and try to change (I started using a really annoying phrase around my friends that I'm trying to quit, for instance) but the vast majority of you - your personality, sense of humor, outlook on life - should be left alone and accepted. They're what makes you -you-, and one of the most important aspects of human development is to become content with who we are.

I suggest making a list. Divide the things you like from the things you don't and the things you can change from the things you can't. Maybe that will put things in perspective a bit.

Anonymous said...

people tend to be overcritical of themselves (human nature). anonymous1 said it "you see every minute flaw and mistake, and since no one is perfect they happen a lot."

try not to be too hard on yourself. chin up tough guy (or girl, as the case may be).