Friday, April 21, 2006


What is perfection?
"No one is perfect"
They all say

In your own head
In your own soul
Everyone is their own perfection

Is one not perfect in the eyes
Of sociaty if
They have flaws?
What if...

It is the flaws
That make us perfect?

Is one not accepted
If they do done conform
To society?
what if...

It is our spirits
Our rebellion against
The giant
Of society
That is perfection?

Is it uncooth to
Break a law
To fight?
What if...

It is our very nature
That causes these
And that in itself
Is perfection?

"No one is perfect"
They all say
What if...

We are all perfect
In our own little way?

12:51:27 AM


Anonymous said...

lifes perfection

numero-seis said...

i think this poem is just a bit too cliche to be my cup of tea, but the sentiment's nice.