My guilty pleasure is watching America's Next Top Model.
I use it for inspiration. I can go an entire day without eating just by seeing one episode of those beautiful girls, and I know that if I was old enough I could be one of them too.
01:49:47 PM
Inspiration to starve yourself!
I like how flat my stomach gets if i don't eat for a day (from lack of hunger/interest), but i never stick with it. Mainly because food is good. Really good.
mmmm, food.
Food is totally one of the best things in the world. I think if I had to decide between good food or good sex in the world, I might have to take the former.
I got news for you. If you actually think that starving yourself is going to make you thin and beautiful, you are very, very, very mistaken.
The starved look is not hot. It's scary.
I really want a big hot fudge sundae now.
I just ate half a pint of Ben and Jerry's Neopolitan Dynamite ice cream. It was delicious. I don't understand how people restrain themselves from good food.
While describing in detail how wonderful junk food tastes is going to do little to encourage anorexics to change their ways, perhaps a simple "please don't starve yourself, it only makes you dead not beautiful" will.
Not eating isn't the right way to lose weight. On the contrary, the body initially gains weight when the supply of food decreases drastically. After that, yes, you will lose weight, but you'll lose essential vitamins and nutrients, too, making you weak and lethargic. It's not how much you eat that determines how fat you are, it's what you eat. If you want to lose weight and look like America's Next Top Model, then do it by eschewing sodas, chips, and french fries and eat a healthy, fulfilling, and non-fattening diet of whole grains and fruits and veggies and all that good stuff.
Starvation doesn't work. If you want to be healthy, learn the basic rule: the body needs nourishment to live.
A girl I was passing friends with was anorexic for five years...
she didn't have her period for five years.
She'll probably never be able to have kids.
Please don't fuck yourself up.
I love having a fast metabolism, I eat so much freaking food but I still weigh 116, and I'm a guy.
I'm not pretty enough to be on that show. Even if I did lose 30 pounds.
I guess I'm the right weight to be on that show, but that's just because of very high metabolism.
But I'm nowhere near pretty enough.
Or near tall enough. They consider girls who are 5'5" short. I'm not even 5'0".
SwalesT'shooth is right. Ask any vegetarian over 30 what their cholesterol is like. Most have high cholesterol because their body makes and holds on to whatever they have. Same principle goes with fat/calories.
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