Monday, April 03, 2006

i can feel myself falling in love with him...
i can't tell if he really is interested or if he just loves to flirt, but neither of us are doing anything to stop it.
and he has a girlfriend.
and he is completely and utterly not my type or anything of the sort.
and i could care less and right now i want nothing more than to have him holding me.

12:08:42 AM


Anonymous said...

Love is wonderful...

But if you really love him, you should wait at least until he breaks things off with his girlfriend. Just...don't hurt anyone with it.

thewordofrashi said...

I have a friend who, er, coerced his current girlfriend's boyfriend to break up with her. He has now been going out with her for over a year.

Not saying it always works, and most of the time it doesn't. But it can.

Anonymous said...

I hate guys like that. They get in a relationship due to whatever creepy voodoo power they have over women and then cheat on them the first chance they get. They ruin every relationship they're in and end up pissing everyone off, but people just keep coming back. Don't bother feuling his ego, and don't let hormones let you do something that you know is morally wrong. I suggest taking the high ground here.