Thursday, April 06, 2006

As a general notification, not in campaigning, Keri Judd and Reed Watson invite you to support their nominations to be considered on the ballot as Senior Class President and Vice President by signing their respective petitions. Both would appriciate your support on their journey to student government success. Thank you and Good Day!

09:56:28 PM


sithgirl said...

I totally and completely support this. Taking over StuCo, several positions at a time!

TintedFragipan said...

I WISH I WOULD HAVE KNOWN. I can sign the VPs thing, but I already signed Bunsree Patel's President nomination.

Anonymous said...

psst. im on stuco. it DOESNT MATTER if you sign more than one.

we dont actually check.

Anonymous said...

Government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

thewordofrashi said...

Oh, hell yeah! You guys got my vote! I haven't signed one for that yet!

Anonymous said...

Guys, I'll be very upset with you if you don't win.

Swales said...

Sirs, consider yourselves one Swalest'Shooth's vote closer to StuCo domination.

Anonymous said...

i honestly think that only certain types of ppl should really be on student council, i mean take for example a group of ppl calling themselves the pirate party, who hope that they will win the majority. That way they can decide to never show up, but no one would get kicked out. I mean i seriously don't want some people like that on my senior council. I want my senior year to be awesome. In fact, this year's senior council was so bad that the president resigned and the vice-president did'nt want to fill in. the 2 things the senior class council does are just like, the senior retreat and th senior banquet.... there was no senior retreat this year...

i don't know if reed and keri are part of the pirate party, but based on what i've heard of them.... they're not exactly the type of people that i would want on StuCo, no offense to them as cool as they may be, but people who run for StuCo for the first time to be on as a senior makes me seriously question their dedication and whether or not this is a last minute attempt at a college application boost

Anonymous said...

Oh, if I only were a junior...

Anonymous said...

four people to choose from:
keri- kid with hair
bunsree- short indian girl
michael ross- a handicapped student
meggie- a pirate

what an easy choice- the one with experience is the one who will win