Friday, September 08, 2006

What the fuck have I been doing my whole life? I have SATs this year!

11:53:13 PM


Anonymous said...

no one used to study for SATs. it's just recently that they became such a stress-fest.

龙年 said...

They don't have to be a stress-fest if you don't want them to be. If you're confident and you know what to expect, you can still do well without the stress.

PChis said...

They aren't that bad. Use Wake County's free online preparation thing. It gives you 3 practice tests with quizzes and lessons in between. If you start now and do a test and all the lessons, you'll go in really prepared for it.

Of course you could always just take your chances with what you know and you'll do how you'll do.

But whatever you do, just don't stress over it. Oh yeah, and make sure you eat a breakfast, get a goodnight's sleep (relatively, we are high school students) like every night for a few days before hand, and have batteries in your camera.

It's easy stuff, you just need to be prepared for tedious problem after tedious problem. It really is a feat of mental endurance.

Anonymous said...

jack off to release stress. also use ass pennies to gain confidence. Y"ou really cant study for SATs that much all it helps you with is confidence and perhaps getting you mind moving..

Anonymous said...

Sort of hypocritical for me to be saying this, since I know I'll stress over them next year (a lot, knowing me), but I took the SAT's in seventh grade and got an 1140. If I as a seventh grader could get even a halfway decent score...

Anonymous said...

Remember now, today's SAT is different from when you took it in 7th grade.

There's a writing section, fairly different reading comprehension focuses, and higher math requirements.

That's not to say it's difficult, just don't underestimate it. The worst thing you can do to yourself is underestimate one of the easiest tests you'll ever take.

People take them twice to get better scores, but nobody wants to be the person who sheepishly admits they got 1200/2400 because they were an idiot and thought they'd ride on elementary school math and analogies.

龙年 said...

If anyone is curious, CollegeBoard released a report about a week and a half ago detailing the breakdown of first-year administration scores for the new SAT.

PChis said...

"People take them twice to get better scores"

Actually, statistically I'll do worse if I take them again.