Tuesday, September 12, 2006

wondering....what the poltical slant on tangst was.

so like in mr keister's class. please say your name and what you consider yourself as on the political spectrum. except not your name..b/c we're on tangst.

thank you.

06:56:04 PM


Anonymous said...

Moderately conservative democrat. Think Mrs. Hoffman's slant..I'm about there.

龙年 said...

Hi, my name is boxbox, and I'm an independent voter.

No parties for me, just facts per issue.

As far as political spectrum goes, I'm in the middle.

Anonymous said...

Person above, I think you're wrong. You're right that no one will be right all the time, thats why its the issue that must be considered.

Yay Box-Box-Dragon-Year!

PChis said...

I find myself to be a democrat. I'd say I'm pretty moderate leaning to the left on the social issues...but economically I really jibe with that system.

The Watcher said...

Yellow-dog democrat here, too, but I do my best to avoid debates on the subject.

thewordofrashi said...

I would like to call myself a Republican. But I can't.

I am what the Republicans used to be. I consider Ronald Reagan to be the greatest American president of the last 50 years, and one of the greatest in our history.

I believe in a small federal government, with minimal taxation and intervention.

Republicans these days are nothing like that. They have increased the size of the federal government, they are worming their way into every part of my life. No, sir. That won't fly. And don't even get me started on the radical Christian right that they align themselves with.

I would put myself in the same category as McCain, Giuliani, and Joe Lieberman (he's a Republican, he just doesn't know it). And to the argument raging above me, SD is right. So there.

Anonymous said...

Moderate with slight conservative tendencies

TintedFragipan said...

"anon2, we don't live in a magic world where we vote issue by issue. We can't say, "well, I think i'll vote for the Bush tax plan and social security deal, but i'm gonna also vote for the Kerry drug plan and Iraq war troop reduction."

Just want to say that your lack of faith in democratic process pisses me off, SD. You're to entrenched in this idiotic, stubborn two-party system.

It's not "Bush's tax plan" or "Kerry's drug plan" that I should be voting for. It's the drug plan I want. The tax plan I want. The social issues that matter to me.

There's a lot more than presidential politics, and the constitutional qualifications for holding an office are few. Even though what you're saying might have pragmatic merit, I admire ideal-seekers and people with uncompromising assuredness of conviction like box-box.

I assert that you're wrong when you call his method "sissy with no conviction" because you don't have to adopt a party, or even a candidate who could win, to know what you believe and to stick by it.

That being said, I am a Libertarian.

knight_racer979 said...

I'm aligning myself a lot like boxbox. No parties, and I'm registered Unaffilliated for voting purposes.

I decide based on specific issues, and there have been enough shifts and complete reversals of parties in political history that I chose not to limit my perspective by aligning with any specific group of straight-ticket ideals.

Queen Sekaf said...

I took a political spectrum test once and it said I was socialist. Only in idealogy though, and I would never vote socialist when I agreed mostly with someone who could win. I really just think we need more socialist infractions in our current system. I'm pretty much your typical tree hugging, vegetarian, anti-death penalty, pro-gay rights, pro-welfare, anti-war liberal fuck. I dunno about abortion though. Depends on the situation.

Graffiti Pastry said...

I should move to Venezuela. Their new prime minister is socialist... Hooray Citgo gasoline, the Venezuelan controlled fuel provider.

Buy Citgo gas, and you support socialism!

Oh yeah, and Reagan was a scumbag drowning in his own buffoonery, so sorry. And a terrible actor to boot.

Hannah said...

libertarian, with a "little 'l.'"

Socially liberal, Economically conservative, not necessarily going to register or vote for members of the Libertarian party because a lot of them are nutcases.

Anonymous said...

I'm a comunist

Graffiti Pastry said...


And apparently an Engrish majro.

Anonymous said...


as are you, my friend

Anonymous said...


as are you, my friend

Anonymous said...

graffiti dyou even know what the hell is going on in venezuela?

maybe your comment was a joke. but it made me angry. b/c you have no idea how many people are suffering b/c of venezuela's new president.

so dont make sarcastic or humurous comments about things you dont even know about.

thank you.

Graffiti Pastry said...

Maybe you shouldn't make comments that are not backed up with something? Or, at least talk to me about it in real life. If you don't know who I am, I'd be glad to converse with you via my Tangst email.

Either way, the statement you made is... ignorant I guess? At least debatable. I'm not sure what you base the "suffering" of Venezuelans on... the fact that he's anti-Bush? That prisoners can be tortured in Venezuela openly? I suppose so, but while horrible, it's certainly done by the United States as well(and at a much higher rate due to this country's seat in the world). The fact that Chavez has a friendly relationship with Cuba is bad? Perhaps it's awful(?) that the inflation and unemployment rates have gone down.

If you want a crash-course on Chavez's presidency (my mistake in calling him prime minister initially), you can look his entry up on Wikipedia. It obviously cannot be altogether complete, but it's a start.

Hmm, is Chavez perfect? Even a great president? Well... he is certainly not perfect, and the overall impact of his office is to be seen; however, one thing's for sure; government ain't easy.

You're welcome.

P.S. I was hoping that my "engrish majro" ridicule would be blatant enough that nobody could misconstrue it as an actual typo. Apparently I was wrong.

Anonymous said...

hi im anon and im a purple pigeon independent. vote for the best runner not the party.