Thursday, September 21, 2006

My stepfather called me a nuisance, a black sheep, and a "complete pain in the side of this family." My mom is starting to agree with him, as are my step-siblings.

This,the stress of Junior year, impossibly high expectations, needing to know exactly what I want to do with my life, and the dark future looming on the horizon has finally pushed me over the edge into the murky waters of hopelessness.

I'm starting to believe him too.
I really don't mean all that much and I'm starting to realize that maybe I'm just not good enough.

I feel like I have a gaping hole where my purpose to get up each morning formerly resided.

09:46:02 PM


Anonymous said...

Get yourself a purpose. Be political or something, surely you can't not believe in anything.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Junior year has high expectations, but they're far from impossible.

You don't have to know anything about what you want to do with life (unless you don't want to go to college, in which case maybe you might want to give it a little thought).

Stop believing people when they say you're useless. Get mad and prove them wrong. You're the only one who can improve your position.

Get out of your hole of self pity and work towards a brighter future.

Anonymous said...

Was he drunk when he said that?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thats ridiculous. if any parents says that they shouldnt be your parent. i wonder what he did when he was your age. probably not half the work that you're doing now.

Anonymous said...

you will move on, you will work hard, you will not give up, you will look back and you will tell the world "I proved you wrong"