Sunday, April 02, 2006

...I cheated.

Oh my god, oh my god.

12:13:38 AM


thewordofrashi said...

On what? The SAT or a boyfriend/girlfriend?

TintedFragipan said...

You can't cheat on the SAT Rashi... duh!

That's not allowed.

Swales said...

^yeah, well, so is trafficking in coccaine, but it still happens.

Anonymous said...

it seems like youd get away with sat cheating easier than in a relationship..

PChis said...

hmm, I wonder what the penalty for cheating on it is. Do they just disqualify your test or are there more serious measures?

Dr.A said...

i think they just disqualify your test.

then again, you'd think there would be disciplinary action. anyone on tangst from ETS?

Anonymous said...

How would someone go about cheating on the SAT. I mean, I saw The Perfect Score, but seriously...