Thursday, February 09, 2006

My boyfriend and I were having sex. it was consentual, but then he moved down. I didn't want it there, but he didn't listen. But I said yes at the begining before he did that. I'm not sure If I was raped or not.

04:55:21 PM


Anonymous said...

He shouldn't be pushing like this. Whether it's illegal or not, you should get away from him before he really hurts you emotionally/physically/whatever.

Then again, this is anonymous advice from an anonymous person who knows next to nothing about the situation.

Feel free to disregard.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say it was "rape" as that has a huge connotation towards you trying to escape and him grabbing you and pinning you down and taking what he wants...whereas your description sounds like mild annoyance that shifted to complacency.

I'd say it's bad and you should slap him and tell him don't do that shit again if I say no, but I wouldn't call it rape.

Then again, if aforementioned definition of rape does qualify what happened...well...I dunno, don't just let it lie.

Anonymous said...

Guys are given this idea from the "media" (you all know what I mean by media right?) and tons of other sources that girls will say "no" to things but of course by no they really mean "yes". We're led to believe that every girl is secretly kinky and that all we have to do is unlease the beast within so to speak. Not to defend what your boyfriend did, it's just obvious where this type of thinking comes from. I'm sure this kind of thing happens much more than we think.

Moral of the sotry: Never do something you're not comfortable with or cave in to pressure, and make it clear to your partner that saying no actually means something.

Anonymous said...

Does he know how you feel? You ought to talk about this.

Anonymous said...

If you wouldn't mind, define "sex". Im curious cause i thought intercourse generally takes place "down there".

Anonymous said...

^ collective "OOOOOhh.......oh."

Dr.A said...


I was somewhat anatomically confused myself.

But about the real idea... you should talk about this. (I know I say that about everything, buuuut I'm okay with that.) If you're doing something with which you're uncomfortable, then there's no reason for you to be doing it.

Humble opinion, as always. Not really a doctor of course so -- do whatever you like. Don't even have to call me in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, sounds close enough to rape to me. "You didn't want it down there but he didn't listen." Doesn't matter if you said yes to what came before. It's still sexual assault.

Anonymous said...

"Sorry, sounds close enough to rape to me. "You didn't want it down there but he didn't listen." Doesn't matter if you said yes to what came before. It's still sexual assault."

I believe we need to not have rape be such a broad connotation. If this is rape a women forced to the ground in a dark ally is rape, how will we distinguish the two? The first will either become way too hated, or the second will become not that bad.