Saturday, February 25, 2006

Mom hit me with a door.. and no it's not funny my face is bruised

11:26:49 AM


PChis said...

Hah, I got hit with a door the other day, bent my glasses.

If your mom meant to do it, then it's not funny, but if she just happened to hit you with a door, then I'll have to disagree with you, because that's absolutely hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Wear your bruise with pride, my friend. Bruises add character and beauty.

Anonymous said...

she meant to do it..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OK, well if she meant to do it, that's absolutely terrible. She should be ashamed of herself.

Anonymous said...

I'm still not sure where I stand on the whole parental violence thing. There are simply situations in which it's perfectly warrented for someone to hit somebody else. In my experience there have been a few times when I was being way out of line and being completely rude to a parent and I was hit for it and made to understand that just because I'm taller doesn't mean I'm in charge and that I still have to do what they say. I'm glad for it in the long run.

I'm sure she didn't exactly mean to hurt you and was acting out of anger, but I'm sure next time you'll think twice before entering that same situation again.

Anonymous said...

hah yea I'll think twice about being near doors

PChis said...

Physically punishing little kids is the answer, physically punishing kids our age is almost always wrong.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe it is ever acceptable to hit a child, or anyone for that matter.

peaches- Dear God I hope you were kidding.

Anonymous said...

physically punishing kids our age isnt wrong, its a mistake

we can hit back. :P

Anonymous said...

"Physically punishing little kids is the answer"

hah hah....hah?

Anonymous said...

^As a rule I only beat up on kids when they're defenseless and easy to scar emotionally. Provides 'em with plenty of fodder for the shrinks when they grow up and promotes a healthy relationship of fear The littler the better, that's my motto!

PChis said...

Guys, I'm not talking about coming home and beating the shit out of little kids, what I am saying is that young toddlers have morals based on what they recieve. It takes a while for children to get the whole "this is bad because morals dictate it." Their morals are based off of "if I eat the cookie what will happen?" If they get reprimanded they probably won't care so much. If they get spanked they'll think twice about taking the cookie again.

It's not an out of anger thing, it's a you-did-this-and-these-are-the-consequences thing. At our age we don't generally get spanked anymore, so physicaly punishment is generally the parent losing their temper and hitting their kid, which is not a good thing.

The only time it's ever really a good thing is if it's never used, and it happens one time, because then you know you've really crossed the line and need to reevaluate what you're doing.

But I'm glad you all think I like beating children, or love to joke about it.

Magic Whale said...

I think that it is ok to hit a child very lightly after they have done something really bad but violence isn't usually an appropriate punishment. With little children time outs can seem like terrible punishments anyways.

Anonymous said...

I still think that even spankings or very light hits are wrong. It's all about power- you don't have to show your authority over children by hitting them. I can't believe you guys would even think about that.

I probably think this way because I was never, ever hit as a child and I turned out just fine. My discipline issues were solved through other means (Go to your room! No dinner young lady- Go straight to bed! Timeout, NOW!)But my parents never even thought about striking me.

Anonymous said...

I was one of those little kids who would hurt themselves if they were I would rip my hair out or threaten to kill myself...stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

They ripped out my hair for me when I was little.. they also smacked me and once I was bleeding from 5 different punctures in my face...

but I wasn't abused

Anonymous said...

when i first read this post i had an image of this middle-aged woman picking up a huge wooden door and hurling it at someone. it was quite funny in my head.

Anonymous said...

yea well it wasn't funny when it happened.. but heh yea that image is

Anonymous said...

OP, that IS abuse.
Abuse isn't necessarily constant.
But... puncture wounds? Hair torn out? Abuse could be a one-time breakdown from anger, but it's still abuse.

Anonymous said...

People shouldn't hit children.

Seriousley, they have guns now.