Sunday, February 26, 2006

i am going to have to find a new place to cut because bandaids on knees do not work well

08:04:13 PM


thewordofrashi said...

Are you the same person that has posted the last two cutting topics? If so, I think I've said what needs to be said. Cutting will not solve anything. I can sympathize - I understand that your life might not be going the way you want it to, but don't expect cutting to make it better. Cutting does not give you "control" as I have heard many say, nor does it offer you anything other than unhealthy and unattractive scars. Please stop. You're not doing anyone any good, and if you're so selfish that you can't comprehend anyone else's feelings, then I don't know what to tell you.

All the best, and good luck.

Anonymous said...

^ don't be so mean

sometimes people just need to talk.. it doesn't mean they're starving for attention

Anonymous said...

Besides, knees are a lame place to cut. Truly hardcore cutters practice slashing their wrists for that big day.

Anonymous said...

Wrists are too obvious, though. The true cutter does it in secret, not for attention.

Oh, man. What in the world am I saying?

Please, please, please, BEG somebody for help. Not anonymously. I know Tangst is the best release ever. But even more than release, you need a shoulder to cry on. Trust me, it's much much better than cutting.

People love you.
They're gon' cry if you aren't there.

I heartily disagree with anon1. Post, please. It at least lets us know that you're still out there.

Cutting does give control, and it offers more than scars - release and a sense of getting what one deserves, if you're really messed up. (I know I was.)
But that control and that release are so much less than the freedom you could have without it.

I love you, anonymous.

Anonymous said...


I love you too anon!

Anonymous said...

There are three main reasons for cutting.
There's the impression of "control" which has been mentioned, there is release from emotional pain, and then there's the most common cause: cutting is a way for people to get attention.

We all need attention.
I suggest finding out who you want it from and brainstorm ways to get it in a more constructive manner rather than looking for a new body part to mutilate.