Saturday, February 18, 2006

What did you get on the SATs?

06:42:35 PM


Anonymous said...


PChis said...


730 reading
760 math
790 writing(10/12 essay 78/80 MC)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous1 has obviously never taken the SATs - the highest score is 2400...

Anonymous said...

Either that, or it was a typo of 2350...

Anonymous said...

37958374908573985473485638745962873469758364987563928475643785638947. plus one.

Anonymous said...

either that or i was joking.


Anonymous said...


770 reading
700 math
740 writing

Anonymous said...

Balls to all of you that enjoy bragging academically. You should never have pride in numbers or pride in feeling superior to your fellow men.

I shouldn't even call it pride. Arrogance by any other name still stinks.

PChis said...

uhhh, thanks for assuming that this was pride OR bragging. Someone asked a question and I answered it.

That said, I do feel superior to you.

Dr.A said...

Are pride and arrogance fundamentally wrong? Would you rather be surrounded by dejected people with no faith in themselves or in their own accomplishments?

Why are you assuming that someone feels pride in being better than someone else? pchis aside, none of the people here have said anything about how their accomplishment is greater than anyone else's.

Personally, I don't like the idea of being identified by a number... (i.e. class rank, GPA, SAT, ACT...) But, if someone gets a respectably good number on a test, I think that person has the right to enjoy their victory. It doesn't hurt you, even if they are arrogant about a good grade -- Maybe you need to rethink this whole thing.

PChis said...

I think hubris to the point of fault and people who display their arrogance way too much are bad things, but pride in a test score is just like pride in anything else. Are you saying we shouldn't be happy that we can accomplish anything?

Or are you saying that you can have pride in other areas, but academics is totally off limits, because something like ability in a sport is completely different?

I would have left my other post, but then DA had to come along with his long paragraphs.

Anonymous said...

The difference between pride and arrogance is thin one, the same with bragging and merely stating a fact. Where a particular statement falls is going to differ from person to person and I give pchis the benefit of the doubt on this one.

TintedFragipan said...

800 reading
750 math
700 writing (6/12 essay, 80/80 mult choice)